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Chicago IL, 60616

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Jeff Wereszczynski

Departments of Physics and Biology
Frank Gunsaulus Faculty Fellow in Physics and Biology
The Center for Molecular Study of Condensed Soft Matter

Illinois Institute of Technology

Jeff Wereszczynski is a Professor of Physics and Biology at Illinois Tech. He got his B.S. in Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He then received his Ph.D. in Biophysics from the University of Michigan, where he worked with Ioan Andricioaei on examining structural transitions in nucleic acids and developing methods for sampling of rare events.  He followed this with a post-doc in the group of Andy McCammon at UCSD, where he continued to use and develop molecular dynamics simulations on various protein complexes.  In 2013 he began his faculty position in the Physics department at Illinois Tech.


  1. 2008

    Ph.D. in Biophysics

    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  2. 2004

    B.S. in Physics

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Professional Appointments

  1. 2019-2023
    Associate Professor of Physics
    Illinois Institute of Technology
  2. 2013-2019
    Assistant Professor of Physics
    Illinois Institute of Technology
  3. 2008-2013
    Postdoctoral Scholar (with Andy McCammon)
    University of California, San Diego


  • 2022
    Frank Gunsaulus Faculty Fellowship in Physics and Biology
    Illinois Institute of Technology
  • 2018
    Excellence in University Research
    Sigma Xi (IIT Chapter)
  • 2016
    CAREER Award
    National Science Foundation
  • 2016
    Dean’s Research Excellence Award
    IIT College of Science
  • 2013
    Career Transition Award
    National Institutes of Health